Tuesday 28 July 2009

Bearnaise Variations

Bearnaise sauce is great, but it really does have to be freshly made even though it's a bit awkward. Stuff from jars/packets etc. is a long way from reality, the amount of chemicals/additional ingredients required to stabilise the sauce for storage is quite scary.

Anyway, I like intense flavours so here is a variation with a little more "poke" that goes well with fish, rare steak and asparagus. It's also a deep orange colour that is visually quite striking.
  • 2 tsp crushed red chillies - or two whole chillies, bruised (dried or fresh)
  • 10 bruised peppercorns
  • 2 tbsp finely chopped shallots
  • 4 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 8 tbsp red wine
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 8oz (225g) butter in small cubes (salted is OK, or you can use unsalted and adjust later)
  • Salt
  • Lemon juice
  1. Place chillies, peppercorns, shallots, vinegar and red wine in a pan
  2. Bring to boil and reduce to approx one third volume
  3. Start to heat the water in a double boiler until just below boiling - do not allow the water to boil in the double boiler or the sauce will curdle
  4. Strain through a fine mesh into the top pan of a double boiler but DO NOT put the pan in the double boiler yet, the reduction must cool off a bit first
  5. With a wire whisk, whip the egg yolks into the reduction until fluffy (the colour will lighten as this happens)
  6. Now place the pan into the double boiler and add the cubes of butter gradually continuing to whisk them in as they melt. The sauce will thicken and become velvety as the butter emulsifies
  7. Adjust to taste with salt and lemon juice
  8. The sauce can be kept warm for serving with a little melted butter on to to stop it skinning - mix the butter in just before serving
The sauce is fine as it is but you can add some finely chopped chives or a little smoked paprika as variations.

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