Monday, 20 October 2008

U810 and Zaurus

It's been quiet for a while - RS still don't have the PCI-E connectors - they have the 3.9mm high ones but not the 5.9mm ones I require. And I have to buy 5-off which is a tad expensive. If I do go this route I would like to try one of the EEE PC SSD cards in the slot - have some interesting possibilities but i know enough EEE owners to borrow a stock one for testing.

I am in two minds, however, so I have also bought some surface mount USB connectors from Maplin since the BIOS supports boot-from-USB. Now just need to get some time.

I have a Zaurus (Akita) as well and I've now moved all my stuff off onto the U810 so I can play with it a bit more - I'm currently using Cacko but feel the urge for a full X distro - I curently use pdaxQTrom (thanks Meanie!) but the X->QT hack is a little tardy and my Z doesn't overclock well.

I've not got a CF card working in the U810 yet but haven't really been trying - Toshiba have now released a 120GB 5mm drive which is now tempting me even more - if I can find one! Couple that with a 32GB USB or PCI-E SSD and things start to get interesting.


Unknown said...

Hi, I'm wondering if you have already managed to solder a mini pcie connector to the u810. I did the work, my 5.9 mm connector (bought from RS) is sitting on the pads OK, but apparently something is wrong as it is not working as it should. I have a comparison picture of the mobo of the u810 and the 3G u1010 here:
Do you have any thoughts? As I am pretty much stuck... :(

Neil Jefferies said...

See my newest posting - it seems that only the USB pads may be active. That means it makes a lot more sense to solder a USB socket on since it gives more options. My main interest is to put an SSD there anyway.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reply. I tried to use the connector with a 3G card that uses the USB pads only, but still no success. I think those pads are disabled somehow, so even if you solder a USB socket on, it might not get the power or the signal...and this is exactly my problem here: finding these on the mobo. I will keep trying, thanks for the help anyway. :)