- Get the LAMP stack is installed and running...
- Yast | Software | Software Management | View | Patterns
- Tick Web and LAMP Server under Server Functions and press Accept
- Yast | System | Services Manager
- Select apache2 set the Start Mode to On Boot, and then press Start to start it immediately. Repeat for mariadb. Then press Ok.
- Get MariaDB set up properly...
- Fire up a terminal session and run mysql_secure_installation
- Press enter since there is no current MariaDB root password and then select Y to set one - enter your new MariaDB root password twice
- Select Y for the rest of the options
- Set up a database for Nextcloud...
- Fire up a terminal session (or keep using the previous one) and run mysql -u root -p
- You will be prompted for the password you entered above
- To create the database type create database nextcloud; and then press Enter. Don't forget the semicolon at the end.
- Then create a user ID and password for Nextcloud to access the database. Type create user ncdbuser@localhost identified by 'your-password-here'; and then press Enter
- Now give the Nextcloud ID access to the database. Type grant all privileges on nextcloud.* to ncdbuser@localhost identified by 'the-same-password-above'; and then press Enter
- Now type exit; and press Enter to finish
- Enable PHP so that Nextcloud can run
- Fire up a terminal session (or keep using the previous one) and run a2enmod php7
- Then restart the apache webserver with apachectl restart
- Now install Nextcloud. The version that install with OpenSuse 15.0 is 13.0.2 but, as of writing 13.0.8 is in the update repository. If you have a vanilla install of OpenSuse the Update Repositories should already added to the Software Management module.
- Yast | Software | Software Management | Search | nextcloud
- Tick nextcloud and then press Accept
- A whole load of dependencies will display, press Continue
- Now configure Nextcloud.
- Fire up a web browser and navigate to locahost/nextcloud
- You should see a login screen as asking you to create an admin account and password for Nextcloud. Enter a new user ID and password here (these should be different from the previous userID's and passwords). DO NOT PRESS the Finish Setup button yet!
- Select MySQL as the database and boxes for entering the details entered in section 3 will appear ("ncdbuser", "your-password", "nextcloud" and "localhost").
- Then you can press the Finish Setup button
- You will now be logged in to Nextcloud as the admin user. Logout (option under the top right icon)
- cd /srv/www/htdocs
- chown wwwrun.www nextcloud
- cd nextcloud
- chown wwwrun.www * -R
- chown wwwrun.www .*
- chmod +x occ
- rmdir search
- Click on the top right icon and select Settings
- Part way down the screen under the Version heading you should see there is a new version 14.X available (otherwise log on and off again and see if it does a rescan for updates).
- Click to use the Web Updater
- You should then allow it to check that the updater will work (if you have reset the permissions above that should go through OK).
- Click to carry on with the Web Updater, you should be taken to an update screen with a list of all the bits to be updated. This is a fresh install so they should all be fine.
- Press the button at the bottom to go ahead with the update
We are not done yet, although we now have Nextcloud 15.X running it now needs a bit of tuning...
- In the browser, go to the menu top right and select Settings. Under the Overview | Security and Setup Warnings there is a short list of things to fix...
- First of all get the database straightened out after the upgrades. In a terminal, logged on as root, do the following
- cd /srv/www/htdocs/nextcloud
- sudo -u wwwrun ./occ db:add-missing-indices
- sudo -u wwwrun ./occ db:convert-filecache-bigint
- The last command will warn you about taking hours, it won't since the install is fresh, so press Y
- When running these commands you will notice them complaining about the PHP memory limit so lets change that.
- In Dolphin, navigate to /etc/php7/apache2 and click on php.ini. It should open in the kate text editor.
- Scroll down until you find the line memory_limit = 128M and change it to memory_limit = 512M
- Save the file and exit
- Now navigate to /etc/php7/cli and repeat the process there.
- Now lets set up some caching to improve performance...
- In Yast go to Yast | Software | Software Management | Search | apcu and check php7-APCu
- Then search for php7-opcache and check it
- Press Accept to install the packages
- In Dolphin, navigate to /etc/php7/apache2 and click on php.ini. It should open in the kate text editor.
- Scroll down until you find the [opcache] section. Remove the leading semicolon and edit (if required) the following lines:
- opcache.enable=1
- opcache.enable_cli=1
- opcache.memory_consumption=128
- opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8
- opcache.max_accelerated_files=10000
- opcache.revalidate_freq=1
- opcache.save_comments=1
- Now add a new section [apc] at the end with the line apc.enable_cli=1
- Save the file and exit
- Now navigate to /etc/php7/cli and repeat the process there.
- Now navigate to /srv/www/htdocs/nextcloud/config/config.php and open it in the kate editor
- Just before the last line add in 'memcache.local' => '\OC\Memcache\APCu',
- Save the file
- Restart the web server in a terminal using apache2ctl restart
- Log on to Nextcloud and there should be a lot less things in the Settings | Overview. I don't care about the CalDav and CardDav issues since it only really affects Apple stuff - which I don't have any of.
One last thing. I just had a look in the logs and it was full of error messages about using "...a fallback version of the intl extension". Fire up Yast, install php7-intl and then restart apache (again). Problem solved.
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